Build SMART is Patented

Architects now have a system they can rely on for high energy performance buildings. The BuildSMART Building Envelope System is patented, warrantied and code approved.
As building codes become more and more stringent, designers face a greater burden to meet improved energy performance requirements for new buildings. Enter BuildSMART, eliminating the obstacles to achieving truly high-performing, site-built construction with a unique and now patented Building Envelope System. Build SMART has registered a patent on its wall panel system that combines conventional stud-wall framing with exterior insulation and weather resistive sheathing. It was the inventor of the BuildSMART System, Adam Cohen, Founder & Technical Director Emeritus, who envisioned a world where energy efficiency was within reach for everyone. This patent represents a huge leap forward in that direction and it solidifies the company’s leadership position in the field of high-performance construction.

BuildSMART is proud to announce this new patent and continue its commitment to the company philosophy of transparency and openness in the industry, with our customers and with the Passive House community.
The BuildSMART System is ideal for multi-family, commercial and residential construction. It is factory manufactured, free from the effects of rainy weather. Every BuildSMART project is custom produced to meet project specific code requirements, architectural design goals, and performance goals like Passive House and DOE’s Zero Energy Ready.