Industry News

Energy Efficiency made Simple

Low-Rise: High Performance – Is California missing a HUGE opportunity for Affordable Multifamily Buildings?

Original Post by Passive House California California’s Codes and Standards (CASE) team issued their review of PHCA’s low-rise multifamily Reach Code proposal last week and the results are remarkable. We’ve posted the full report on our website for those who want all the details, but for those wanting a high level summary, here it is: PHCA is now working…
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Congratulations KG!


7.3 Million Homes at Risk of 2019 Hurricane Storm Surge Damage with $1.8 Trillion in Potential Reconstruction Costs, According to CoreLogic Report

CORELOGIC, the CoreLogic logo, RQE and PXPoint are trademarks of CoreLogic, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. CoreLogic® (NYSE: CLGX), a leading global property information, analytics and data-enabled solutions provider, today released its 2019 CoreLogic Storm Surge report, which shows more than 7.3 million single- and multifamily homes along the…
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Hankin Lecture highlights small shifts to create big changes in housing industry

Original Story Published On Penn State News by Rachel Fawcett UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Timothy McDonald, president and co-founder of Onion Flats LLC in Philadelphia, will deliver the 2019 Hankin Distinguished Lecture, titled “Leverage Points: Climate Change and the Imperative of Affordable Housing,” at 4 p.m. Nov. 13 in the HUB-Robeson Center’s Freeman Auditorium at…
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Why Homeowners Should Install Triple-Glazed Windows In Their Home

Original Story Published On Forbes by Sheri Koones It is estimated that 40 percent of the United States energy consumption is used for heating and cooling buildings as well as 75 percent of the electricity. One of our main concerns in building a house should be in building a structure that requires minimal energy, rather…
Read more Elevations-Wall-Section-Window-Door-Schedule-Section Details-Lender-Structural Engineer-MEP Engineer-Energy Modeler-Energy-Rater-Resilience-zero-carbon-Panelized-Passive-House-Multifamily-Prefabricated-Modular-Offsite-construction-Off-site-construction-Code-comparison-Financial-analysis-Return-on-investment-ROI-Internal-rate-of-return-IRR-Real-estate-valuation-Cash-flow-Pro-forma-Financial-terms-in-attached-documents-Noise-Sound-proofing-NIMBY-Health -Ventilation-Section-8-Voucher-program-Build-to-Rent-All-AIA-education-credits-Health-Safety-Welfare-credits-HSW-NIMBY-Ventilation-Noise-Soundproofing

Tenants have moved into Blossom Park!

Tenants have moved into Blossom Park! This Indwell Passive House Affordable Housing project was built using Build SMART LLC panels and includes PV panels which make it net electricity positive. There are 34 units, common spaces, a large kitchen for daily meals, and offices for Indwell We loved working with Build SMART, Fourth Pig: green & natural construction ,…
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On-Site vs. Off-Site: a Deeper Dive

Closer analysis of total cost leads to the ultimate concept of “total value” in home building After working a variety of construction jobs and for a large commercial lumber dealer in my youth, I cut my teeth after college at U.S. Steel, then Motorola—low-tech and high-tech manufacturing, respectively. I truly saw the good, the bad,…
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On-Site vs. Off-Site: a Total Cost Analysis

Most builders and component suppliers do a marginal job of calculating true, fully loaded, total cost when comparing various methods. It’s time to remedy that The articles, columns, seminars, and social media posts describing how off-site construction methods will revolutionize home building continue unabated. With labor shortages once again polling near the top of home builder concerns,…
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Sort of like a “Perfect Wall” risingerbuild Modified SIPs panels! Sort of like a “Perfect Wall” sips with all exterior insulation. Saw this last week when I visited @prosocoinc in Kansas. This is their sister company Build Smart. check out my stories today to learn more. Intriguing system to say the least. #sips#framing#panelizedconstruction#passivehouse#alpenwindows#build#construction

Build SMART delivers another Passive House project

Somerville Homes of Virginia, Developer and custom home Builder, just received delivery Build SMART E-Wall Assemblies for a Passive House residence.  Dan Somerville says, “Everything went incredibly smooth.  Thank you to you and your team for the thorough planning…It made it easy for us.” Build SMART wishes them a speedy, successful installation