We’ve Officially Declared our Commitment to a Healthier Future for All

In 2019, Build SMART became an official corporate signer of the Kansas Climate + Health Declaration, an initiative to “increase awareness of the impacts of climate change on public health, to increase civic engagement on climate action in Kansas, and to advance policies that build community resilience and safeguard the future of our state.”
The building science of well-sealed buildings has advanced dramatically in recent years. Build SMART is committed to a “quality first” approach in design, testing and performance. Industry “common knowledge” using outdated techniques is a disservice to the building owner and occupants and it is typical in the industry. With Build SMART systems a very well air-sealed and insulated building can be built to create an envelope that’s optimized for your design and climate zone without any need for the crew to know the building science behind it all or our stringent QA/QC procedures.
When building manufacturing companies make the conscious decision to design products that promote building resilience, durability and occupant and environmental health, the conversation and public awareness begins to shift. Less waste is produced and ultimately fewer building materials go to landfills each year. Build SMART Buildings and homes are designed to last significantly longer than classical stick-built structures which are still being built to this day, a concept that may seem unbelievable in a society that accepts tearing down and rebuilding after 10, 20 or 30 years. We think enduring buildings and resilient structures should be the rule rather than the exception. It should be the expectation of all building designers, owners and operators.

Build SMART employees volunteer to pick up trash around our business park in the annual “Walk the park” event.
All Build SMART buildings and homes qualify for one or multiple of the world’s highest possible green building standards that support durable and energy-efficient construction, like net-zero, Living Building Challenge, Passive House, LEED and Well.

The Award Winning Capital Flats – Phase 3, The Battery (Net-Zero, Passive House)
Build SMART and PROSOCO, both located in Lawrence, Kan., manufacture building products that promote energy efficiency, durability, resiliency, sustainability and improved occupant health.
Build SMART, manufactures panelized building enclosure systems to provide a practical and highly energy-efficient building solution for a carbon-neutral future.
Its sister company, PROSOCO, an 80-year-old family-owned company, manufactures specialty construction products that help make buildings look better and last longer.
Both companies are proud to be corporate signers of the Kansas Climate and Health Declaration.
For more information, visit the Kansas Climate + Health Declaration website.
#KansasClimateAndHealthDeclaration #GreenBuilding #SustainableBuilding #SustainableConstruction #GreenConstruction #LivingBuildingChallenge #BuildSMART #EnergyEfficient #Durability #ResilientDesign #OccupantHealth #ClimateChange #WeMakeItLast #MakeBuildingsLast #HealthyBuildings #SaferChoice #BullittCenter #RGuard #PassiveHouse #Studio804