20 | Single Family Build SMART | The Roberts Residence Project

Energy Efficiency made Simple

The Roberts Residence

Clients Phil and Melinda Roberts aren’t Passive House experts. Their research into home design led them down a path toward energy efficiency.

Sensitive to the environment and concerned about skyrocketing utility costs, they wanted a home that would be comfortable, functional, and economical to maintain.

American buildings use close to half of our nation’s energy. They are also primary contributors to energy-related carbon emissions. Rising utility costs and a concern for the environment prompted Phil and Melinda to investigate ways to curb expenses and boost efficiency.

They discovered Build SMART.

“Energy savings were at the top of our minds. We were naturally interested in it, why heat our house for $1000 per month when we could use better materials to reduce energy costs?!” – Melinda Roberts



Southampton, NJ

Project Type

Single Family


2 Stories | 1,770 square feet

Air Changes Per Hour


Project Profile

Home energy rating Think Little

Self Assembled Construction

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More about The Roberts House

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