11 | Single Family Build SMART | The Dills Compound

Energy Efficiency made Simple

The Dills Compound

“It absolutely saved an enormous amount of time. I had figured it on probably three weeks for assembling these walls, and we did it in a week.”

Bruce Trujillo, President of Trujillo Construction

“Actually, they got them up in three and a half days in the dead of Colorado winter, while recovering from COVID So, yeah, it was pretty amazing.”

Barbara Dills, Homeowner & Rosebud Economic Development Corp. Project Support

A Beautiful, Hushed Feeling…

Naturally, Build SMART structures are remarkably quiet. Deep in Carbondale, Colorado they have these high, high winds. Even when the wind is howling outside, inside the house is amazingly quiet. Moving here from a fairly new built condominium in town that was also, what Barbara considered at the time, pretty quiet, but “it didn’t have this beautiful, hushed feeling that the Build SMART home has.”

Barbara had done her homework, extensively researching panelized building is what led her to Build SMART. There were three main things she was looking for in her next build; number one was energy efficiency, this led to panelized construction. Next came the problem of Colorado’s infamous short building season so a reduced construction time, in a market already facing the problem of shortages in skilled labor, was the next issue to tackle. “You save so much energy, minimal heating. I mean, it’s just it’s incredible. I mean, throughout the cold, as part of the winter build, I had an oil filled space heater that heated that entire house and that was it.”

Any local builder will tell you, if you stick build you can very likely end up with a blizzard covering your pile of lumber. Finally, Barbara was very passionate about minimizing material waste as much as possible.

Build SMART modular prefab pre-fabricated multifamily for cold temperature housing zone

Build SMART checked all these boxes and more!



Carbondale, Colorado

Project Type

Single Family


1160 SF | 177LF

E-Wall Variation

2×4, 24 o.c. 6.5 EPS

Project Profile Sheet

Passive Energy designs, LLC Architect plans

Axiom Construction  project

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More about The Dills Compound

“Home is the ultimate consumer product. It has to be. We spend nearly 70 percent of our lives in our homes. Home is where life happens.”

– Sam Rashkin
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